
Assembly of European Horticultural Regions




Bordeaux – France / Brussels – Belgium

Partner Description

The Assembly of European Horticultural Regions is a nonprofit association. It represents the voice of the fruit and vegetables and horticultural regions and their producer’s organizations in Europe. It gathers 19 regions and 28 Associations of producer’s organizations which globally represent 55% of the European production of fruits and vegetables.

The purpose of Areflh is to represent and defend the economic and social interests of regions and producers within the main European institutions. It is also a platform for exchanging experiences and good practices in order to foster partnerships and joint actions and promote innovative actions.

Areflh has participated in several EU projects and has developed an excellent know-how in communication and dissemination practices related to the fruit and vegetable sector. Areflh is currently involved in three Horizon2020 projects, SmartProtect, NUTRIMAN & CONSOLE.

With its knowledge of the fruit and vegetable sector’s stakeholders and their necessities, Areflh is able to reach out to all actors in the fruit and vegetable supply chain. Also, Areflh’s Research and Innovation Committee provides advice and expertise on various themes regarding the whole value chain, from the producers to the end consumers.

Involvement in SmartProtect

Areflh’s role in the Smartprotect project is mainly related to the identification, communication and dissimilation of information regarding innovative IPM practices in the horticultural sector. Moreover, through our website, monthly newsletters, weekly newsflashes, our members and farmers are constantly informed about the development of the project.

Contact Person

Eriselda Canaj

EU Project Officer


Luca Contrino

EU Policy Officer


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